Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

Agarwood in West Borneo

By Rosa Suryantini & Reine Wulandari

Agarwood is resinose from the tress of Thymelaeceae family (Aquialaria spp.,Wikstroemia spp., Gonystylus spp., Girinops spp., Aetoxylon sp. dan Enkleiasp.). Econimic value agarwood is Rp. 5.000.000,00/kg for super agarwood. For this reason threats to the preservation of tropical rain forest in west borneo. Agarwood production is the result of secondary metabolites to tree or injury to the tree aloes.

Discoloration in the area of injury (nekrosis) indicates a oleoresin deposition.
The criteria of Aquilaria tree is 5 m tall, diameter 10-15 cm, age 5-6 years old, surrounding shady trees to maintain soil and air moisture.

The treatment of trees are trees without treatment (kontrol), close woonded trunks in aseptic condition (1); open wounded trunks (2); Fusariumsp. inoculated in trees (3 ml/tree) (3); Aspergilus sp. inoculated in trees (3 ml.tree). The diameter of hole is 8,5 mm, depth 8-10 cm. A tree has 10 holes. Observation were made for > 1 year.

1) The affect of treatments to the discoloration of agarwood

Figure 1. The treatment effect to the discoloration of agarwood
The agarwood of discoloration indicated oleoresin deposotion. The tratments correlated with The discoloration of agarwood. The close wounded trunk showed that the colour resin was black (28,6%) (Figure 1). That indicated the Fe3+ + wood cells interaction could induce the highest resin than other treatments.

2) The affect of treatments to the fragnant changes of agarwood

Figure 2. The treatment effect to the fragnant of agarwood
Like as The discoloration of agarwood, the treatments correlated with the fragnant of agarwood. The strong fragnance of agarwood treated on closed wound, inoculation with Fusarium sp. 2 and 3 (18,8%) (Figure 2).

3) The affect of treatments to the diameter of wounds
Table 1. The affect of treatments to the diameter average of wounds

The same letter beside diameter average of wound from closed,opened wound and control treatment indicated the opened and closed wound treatments almost did not develop for < 1 year despite produce discoloration and fragnant of agarwood. Wound by Fusarium sp. 1, 2 3 and Aspergilus sp. also did not significantly different. But Aspergilus sp. 2 inoculation in trees had the average diameter smaller than Fusarium sp. 1, 2, 3 and aspergilus sp. 1 inoculation treatments (Table 1). That indicated Fusarium sp. 1, 2, 3 and aspergilus sp. 1 have a greater aggressiveness than Aspergilus sp. 2. 4) The relationship between discoloration, fragnant agarwood and the diameter of wound In this research, the variables of research were discoloration, fragnant agarwood and the diameter of wound. Based on observation, these had variability of the best of treatment to induce agarwood. Thus, the third variables needed to be known correlation.

Table 3. Correlation of discoloration, fragnant agarwood and diameter of wound

From Table 2 showed that the discoloration of agarwood correlates strongly with the fragnant of agarwood (0,908) while the diameter of wound correlated weakly with the discoloration (0,219) and fragnant (0,332) agarwood. That mean the black colour in resin showed that it had strongly fragnant, but it did not always have a large diameter, vice versa.